Headquarters Company, Infantry Battalion, Marine Division (including Communication Platoon)

28 March 1941

Table of Organization D-5 (including D-4)


1. Battalion Headquarters

2. Company Headquarters

3. Intelligence Section

4. Supply Section

5. Medical Section

6. Communication Platoon (Table of Organization D-4 dated March 28, 1941)


Total: 9 Officers, 79 Enlisted, 21 Pistols, 45 Rifles, 5 Hand carts, 1 Real cart RL-16



  1. 9 Officers = 7 USMC + 2 USN;
  2. 7 Officers USMC = 1 Lieutenant Colonel + 1 Major + 1 Captain + 4 1st Lieutenants;
  3. 79 Enlisted = 59 USMC + 20 USN;
  4. 59 Enlisted USMC = 1 Master Sergeant (Sergeant Major) + 1 First Sergeant + 2 Technical Sergeants (including 1 Supply Sergeant) + 2 Staff Sergeants (1 Platoon Sergeant + 1 Mess) + 5 Sergeants + 15 Corporals (including 1 Mess Corporal, 1 Field Cook, 1 Field Music Corporal) + 33 Privates First Class and Privates (including 1 Assistant Cook (Privates First Class) and 1 Field Music)
  5. 5 Hand carts = 1x MM1 + 4x M3;


USMC = Marine Corps

USN = Navy



To go back Marine Infantry Battalion (Rifle Squad = 9 Enlisted)


To go back Marine Infantry Battalion (Rifle Squad = 13 Enlisted)