Signal Company, Construction

 1 November 1940

Table of Organization 11-27


1. Company Headquarters and Supply Platoon

2. 1st Construction Platoon

3. 2nd Construction Platoon, as 1st


Total: 6 Officers, 195 Enlisted, 201 Pistols



  1. All transportation for units of signal battalions and construction battalions is assigned to the headquarters and headquarters company of the battalions;
  2. This tables applies to a construction company as part of signal or construction battalion where the transportation is furnished by the battalion headquarters company;
  3. 6 Officers = 1 Captain + 3 1st Lieutenants + 2 2nd Lieutenants;
  4. 195 Enlisted = 2 Master Sergeants + 1 First Sergeant + 6 Technical Sergeants + 6 Staff Sergeants + 14 Sergeants + 13 Corporals + 51 Privates First Class + 102 Privates;



To go back to Signal Battalion


To go back to Signal Construction Battalion